Let satisfies the equation for all where . If then the value of is:
Let be the solution of the differential equation If then is equal to:
If then is equal to :
The slope of normal at any point on the curve is given by . If the curve passes through the point , then is equal to
The general solution of the differential equation is
Let be the solution of the differential equation , with . Then, the point for the curve is
If is the solution of the differential equation such that , then is equal to
If be the solution curve of the differential equation
with , then is equal to
Let the solution curve of the differential equation, pass through the points and . Then is equal to
Let be the solution of the differential equation such that . Then, is equal to
If the solution curve of the differential equation passes through the point and , then
Let be the solution curve of the differential equation , which passes through the point . Then is equal to
Let be the solution of the differential equation . If for some , then is equal to _______.
Suppose be the solution curve to the differential equation such that is finite. If and are respectively the and intercept of the tangent to the curve at , then the value of is equal to _______.
If the solution curve of the differential equation passes through the points and , then is equal to
Let be a solution curve of the differential equation, , If the line intersects the curve at and the line intersects the curve at , then a value of is
Let be the solution of the differential equation , with . Then is equal to
If the solution $y=y(x)$ of the differential equation $\left(x^4+2 x^3+3 x^2+2 x+2\right) \mathrm{d} y-\left(2 x^2+2 x+3\right) \mathrm{d} x=0$ satisfies $y(-1)=-\frac{\pi}{4}$, then $y(0)$ is equal to :
Let $y=y(x)$ be the solution of the differential equation $\left(x^2+4\right)^2 d y+\left(2 x^3 y+8 x y-2\right) d x=0$. If $y(0)=0$, then $y(2)$ is equal to
Let $y=y(x)$ be the solution of the differential equation $(x+y+2)^2 d x=d y, y(0)=-2$. Let the maximum and minimum values of the function $y=y(x)$ in $\left[0, \frac{\pi}{3}\right]$ be $\alpha$ and $\beta$, respectively. If $(3 \alpha+\pi)^2+\beta^2=\gamma+\delta \sqrt{3}, \gamma, \delta \in \mathbb{Z}$, then $\gamma+\delta$ equals ______
Suppose the solution of the differential equation $\frac{d y}{d x}=\frac{(2+\alpha) x-\beta y+2}{\beta x-2 \alpha y-(\beta \gamma-4 \alpha)}$ represents a circle passing through origin. Then the radius of this circle is :
Let $y=y(x)$ be the solution curve of the differential equation $\sec y \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{~d} x}+2 x \sin y=x^3 \cos y, y(1)=0$. Then $y(\sqrt{3})$ is equal to :
The solution curve, of the differential equation $2 y \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{~d} x}+3=5 \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{~d} x}$, passing through the point $(0,1)$ is a conic, whose vertex lies on the line:
Let be the solution of the differential equation such that . Then is equal to :
A function satisfies with condition . Then is equal to